Most of you know Dora, our beloved Springer Spaniel. She is our fur-baby. She turned two a couple of weeks ago and is really coming into her own. While she's been a little (sometimes unnervingly) territorial/protective at times since I've been pregnant and Wayne's been away (it is her job), she has really mellowed out and become a lovely companion. Having her around in Wayne's absence has definitely created more work and responsibility, but it has also kept me busy, given me purpose, regulated my walking (the only exercise I've had since pregnant), and most of all, provided a sense of security and cameraderie. I can count on her to be my secondary alarm clock, give me cuddles and kisses when I'm having a lonely day, sit on my feet in the winter, "dry" my feet straight out of the shower, smile when I come home (I swear! She smiles!), and just be all-around cute.
Dora will be a big sister in 7 weeks and I'm praying she takes it in stride. I know it will be tough once Wayne goes back to New Brunswick for his last course to take care of her and the baby, but I'm up for the challenge. I've received a few comments implying that my dedication to her will go out the window once baby arrives, and my desire to care for her will pale in comparison to that of my child. This may be true, but it's hard not to take that as an insult. Many women have much harder circumstances than me and they do what they have to do to get through. I will only be a "single mom" for 10 weeks and I will make it work, through prayer, perseverance and the eagerly accepted help I know I'll receive from friends and family.
I love you, Dora-bear. You have been very loyal to me for the past year in Daddy's absence. I will not let you down or let you feel crowded out.
You will do great. I'm sure of it. ;-)